
From our Pro Unlimited to Enterprise accounts, and even our free account, SurveyShare is packed with features to help you get the best results from your surveys:

Survey Design


Powerful + Easy Survey Design

Anonymous and Non-Anonymous Surveys

200+ Templates, or Start From Scratch

Customize Look & Feel

Email Support

Email us directly, 24/7, at support@surveyshare.com

International Support

We support UTF-8, which represents close to every language on the planet

Number of Surveys


Questions per Survey

Up to 12UnlimitedUnlimited

Number of Responses

Up to 50UnlimitedUnlimited

E-mail Respondents

We can send e-mail to your respondents for you
Up to 50UnlimitedUnlimited

Add Your Logo

Brand the survey with your logo, or no logo at all

Survey Themes

Create a color theme that matches your company or institution

Branded Site

For example, http://yourcompany.surveyshare.com/

Personal Account Rep

A single person who can get you from A to B

Accounting Tools

See what your users are doing, manage, and create new users

Volume Discount

From 1 to 1000, we'll work out a package that works within your budget

Question Types & Features


Select One of Many

Select a single answer

Check All that Apply

Check as many that apply, or set a limit

Open Essay

Type a single sentence or an entire essay

Rating Scale

Rate the following items from 1 to 10 (or best to worst)

Constant Sum

The following items should sum to 100% or any other number

Drop down

Select a single answer, but in a drop down box


Add a picture for description or style

Instructional Text

Add instructional or any other text to your survey

Date and Time

Ask when something happend, or a birthday, or any other date

Question groups

Ask a group of related questions in a table using select one of many, check all that apply, drop-down menus, open answer, or date questions


Collect demographic data

Other Response

Expect the unexpected, allow for that 'other' response

Question Comments

Add an optional comment box to each question to gather more insight

Must Answer

Force a respondent to answer a question

Multiple Page Surveys

1 page or 10 pages, it's up to you

Change Question Numbering

Number questions by page, by survey, or not at all

Skip Logic / Branching

Skip a page or even end the survey based on a response

Collecting Results


Facebook and Twitter Integration

Easy to tweet a survey or post in on your facebook news feed

Multiple Response

Prevent or allow multiple response based on cookies or IP address

Website Surveys

Copy and paste code to add the survey to your website or blog

Save & Continue

Respondents can save and continue later - or you can turn this off

Schedule Survey Launch

If you won't be around, schedule your survey to launch when you want it

Secure Survey (SSL)

Secure your survey by encrypting all responses

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Analyze Your Results


Aggregate Results

82% answers yes, 10% answers no, 8% answered maybe, etc...

Individual Results

See what your responses are individually saying

Real-time Results

As we collect results, you can view them

Graphs and Pie Charts

Create customizable bar charges, pie charts, and line graphs

Printable PDF Surveys

Take your surveys on the go with PDF surveys


How did the people who answered question 1 answer question 5?

Share Results

Share your results with colleagues and friends

Filter Responses

Create a subset of responses by an answer, time of response, or e-mail used in response

Export to Excel

Download your results into Microsoft Excel

Export to CSV

Download your results into a comma-separated value format

Export to SPSS

Download your results into SPSS

Response Notification

Send a note - or the entire response - to yourself when someone responds
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